Tuesday, June 15, 2010

- Intersection -

Have you ever experienced having difficulties of choosing between things that u like? Let say u like two things equally but u can only choose one and it is for ur life time. U have to let go the other one which u love so much. What if the 'things' are not things? What if the 'things' are persons? Persons who are humans. Humans who have feelings. You pick this one, that one would suffer from rejection. Even worse, YOU suffer as u see that person goes off of ur grip. Because u love both parties equally so much.

It's a really frustrating dilemma. But that's how things play in life. Sometimes u cant get everything that u want and u have to make a sacrifice. Sometimes u cant please everyone around u. This is how sometimes u have to be a bit selfish. Or at least people see u as being selfish. But u know how hard it is to make the decision. Guess u just have to bear the consequences. What u choose might not be the right person now. Maybe later. Two three years later. Ten years maybe.

Let see from another angle. What if u are one of that persons who will have to be chosen? One, penantian itu sungguh menyiksakan. Two, u die from being the one not chosen. Because u r a loser.

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