Wednesday, May 26, 2010

- Midnight -

It's midnight now. My eyes are still wide open. It's Thursday already. My class is not over yet for this week. This short sem, it's all about Arabic and Computer Application. Luckily the semester is coming to its end, soon! Yet I'm still worried. I don't know if I can do well in the final Align Centerexam especially Comm. App. Many condemn the relevance of this subject to be taught as a core course. Means, many dislike it. Including me, of course. It's boring and not exciting. All about technology and learning theories. I don't hate it. Just not really a big fan of technology and those stuff.

This sem, Arabic class is quite different. We are required to do a presentation, not just presenting, but acting! And I just finished composing the dialogue and ready to performed. Well, not really. My group mates are still having difficulties in understanding my handwriting yg macam org malas. Haha. I write very fast in Arabic. But it's OK I'll help them. Seems like they can pronounce it better. Wish us luck in dramatizing. =P

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

- Early Arabic Midterm Exam -

Before I knew it, it has been almost 4 weeks since the short sem begins, which means the 1st half of the semester is almost finished. And tonight, Arabic takes the first place to show up before other subjects for its midterm. Gosh, it's so fast. I'm a little worried this time coz the topic we have in class, I don't really like it. It's about 'number' in Arabic. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

- Bored -

It's Thursday. This university has made a new policy; there will be no class on Friday. So my Thursday is like your Friday (for those who work). Can you feel it? The excitement of what's gonna happen during the weekend. Well I feel kinda empty now. I mean, not that I'm alone. Just don't know what to do. Ah assessment! Computer Application for Language Studies. That's the subject I'm taking this semester. Hm got to go now. It's really hot here at Evoke!

- It's Good to be Back -

It has always been my passionate to write something to pleasure my own self rather than sharing what I experience (in life), think (about my life), have (in my life), see (around me and the others), with other creatures living on earth. Because of that, I don't care if to certain extent, my writing turns out to be talking about nonsense stuff, rubbish and trash. (For example, what I am doing now).

Therefore, people can say whatever they want after reading my entries. YOU can say whatever you want and I just don't care. Well, who are you to judge my 'masterpiece'? If you enjoy it, keep on reading. If not, just butt out why don't ya? Haha. Well, it's not like I don't accept criticism. I do. Only that, for the past few years, I have learnt how to control over my emotion and most importantly, I know what I'm doing.

I think this is just a beginning to motivate what's going to come up next. Welcome to my life!